(you can click this to make it bigger!)
I hesitated to post again because the image (Sarah, Sam and myself) is so terrific and the song (Resurrection Fern), so beautiful, that I didn't want to put something on top of it. But I thought of another beautiful song. The above image is of Sir Duitman and NISO company practicing for their last concert together. At the moment of shutter release, the symphony was warming up in swooping progressions and there was power - disturbances in the air so great and in such control, I ceased to breathe.
Sleep tonight
And may your dreams be realized
If the thunder clouds passes rain
So let it rain
Rain down on he
So let it be
So let it be
Sleep tonight
And may your dreams be realized
If the thunder cloud passes rain
So let it rain
Let it rain
Rain down on he
-MLK, u2
Yeah, I coupled the power and control of the image with this song, which actually plays very serenely but I suppose I associated the song with more of power than of rest and comfort. Dr. King's non-violent stance was stronger than anything he was ever up against. So let it rain.
I have thirteen pages to write in a little more than nine hours. I have the research read, the ideas running about my cognitive factory... but I'm not sure I have what is needed to discuss the relationship between Buddhism and medicine. The Dalai Lama has a great essay about how religion affects the modern world - "To wear robes and speak about God but think selfishly is not a religious act. On the other hand, a politician or a lawyer with real concern for humankind who takes actions that benefit others is truly practicing religion. The goal must be to serve others, not dominate them."
I suppose I also have a speech to write within ten hours - due to present the class after term paper is handed in. But I'm schedule to go last, after six or so other people so I might not even have time to give my speech. Wouldn't that be nice? BUT THEN, I have an hour break after THAT class to write a compare/contrast paper on two films that we have seen this semester, but that I don't remember all that well.
After that class (three hour class!), I'll be in the mac lab, furiously editing a documentary that must be accessible by Wednesday for Ideafest. Hopefully then, dead week will begin.
I really didn't imagine this post to become about my obligations - I really wanted to talk about love and how difficult it is, but at the same time, how drawn we are to that action (yes, action).
For those of you who are interested, THIS (click) is the article on Buddhism and medicine.
did they play MLK?!? We sang that last year in choir and some anonymous person that i cannot recall sang a brilliant solo. guess what I just found out? i am reading this book about how to regulate how many resources we should(n't) be using, and learned there is a National Association of Dumpster Divers and Urban Miners. sweet, huh?