Jun 26, 2007

I had a dream that Sioux Center had a lot more people than it does now. It was far from being a large city; the streets were a it more dense and concentrated with small businesses. The point is, we found a tea house that was open all night. Isn't that awesome? It was a small place. I think it was called, in my dream, Bogenrief's but I know that that is the name of the stained glass school out past Alton. Anywho. The place was tiny and the lady was this really passionate lady who informed us that she had a lot more tea than was just listed on the blackboard. There was an enormous selection of leaves behind those dark cherry drawers and shelves. I went there three times in one night of my dream.

Jun 22, 2007

Find someone happier than I.
I'd bet money and mangoes that you can't.

Congratulations, in advance, to Ben and Janell. I love you both very much. And to their families and friends--all of us.

Jun 11, 2007

And all that I ever wanted
Was a chance to catch my breath
To see the world go by
And lay my ghosts to rest


Don't do me any favors by telling me
that you love me when you don't
that you don't love me
you do.


All I ever wanted was
To feel the way you feel
All I ever wanted was
A chance to make it real


And ask me tomorrow what I thought
of yesterday
There's so many things that
I could not explain

I'm alone with you


I have my next painting or sculpture idea.
(This is because I generally don't like/am not good at staging photographs.)
Honestly, the best way to describe it is this way I think.

\ |

Remember angles? Yeah... shit, this is going to be associated with math.

Jun 10, 2007

I used to write. As in, I used to be a writer and it wasn't too terribly long ago that I used to be a mediocre, promising writer. There was a time when craft existed, in union with communication. That time wasn't so long ago. Perhaps things will change for myself to turn toward that direction... again.

Also, I bought three rolls of film. One of them is loaded into the new camera. Two shots have been taken. That is all.

Yes. Yes? No? No. Yes. No. No? Okay. No. Mistake?
