Oct 27, 2008

Why not?

Honestly, reader, I think about this blog a lot and, when things happen to me during the day, I feel I want to write about it here. My sister asks me what I talk about when I talk to my girlfriends (she thinks I have tons of them; she is hilarious) and I do my best to answer, before turning the question on her and, like the sly high-schooler she is, she says she doesn't know. I talk to my mom for the second time since she left for Korea (she gets back on Tuesday) and she's having a good time, enjoying the weddings and looking forward to coming back and would I please make sure the house is vacuumed and everything. And the very, very few moments (really) when I feel it would be nice to be in a relationship. And no, it's not because Pipshake and Jess/Kate (and the whole rest of campus) flaunt it around. Even though they do. It's because this is one crazy semester. And a lot of things are easier when you have the one specific person that you're supposed to depend on. I hesitate even to write this for fear of undermining the beautiful people that I DO depend on. Please, beautiful people, do not feel that I take you for granted or that this is a cry of feeling neglected. I'm talking about the one, specific fallback person. During this busy semester, with friends running around like ants and being gone for days at a time, having a constant, one constant would be something to depend on. Really, my most favorite people are missing from my life for days at a time. This, of course, is probably mostly my fault... but I hope I distracted you, dear reader, by making you wonder if I'm talking about you. (Am I?)
It's 5 am. I'm holed up in the office. I stole the reading for my first class in four hours, but I don't think I'll be able to do it. I should get a few hours of sleep so I can wake up in time to start the week right. Betsy and I are going to have pomegranate and tea before our first class starts. Yes, Katy. I know the pomegranate is the most romantic fruit you could ever share with a girl. Right? Right?! Absolutely.

"A boy can be two, three or four people but a man is only one. He murders all the rest."

I've been saying that to myself for a month now, since I read it in Canadian Literature. More next time.

A quick shout-out to my biznitches of the magnificent production of Urinetown. And a deep, heartfelt thank you to everybody involved. So very proud of you, and so very thankful. More thoughts, and images, from that later.
