Feb 27, 2008

Some things I learned from my mother

-one of her boyfriends was into photography

-said boyfriend was with my mother for a year. they broke up because he was a stalker

-she wouldn't tell me his name. they haven't kept in touch, he's probably a businessman of some sort in Korea and she wouldn't tell me his name to enhance the story

-she had three boyfriends, hundreds of stalkers

I have more, but I'm exhausted. Take care.

Feb 24, 2008

rivers on the sidewalk

I should write something on here but there won't be a lot more sunlight left today and the high is 40 degrees. I'm going to drag a chair and end table upstairs and get some writing done - the pen and paper kind. As angry and confused and worried as I am, as we all are really, it's a gorgeous day. I hope you enjoy it.

The Shins did a cover of We Will Become Silhouettes by the Postal Service.

Feb 19, 2008

More things

Silence. To act the part of the recluse.

I sat in the BJ this afternoon for forty-five minutes, listening to various Dordt faculty and students asking God for help. The Adams teach engineering and education - one of them is also a dean. And a few days ago, they were driving in a winter that has caused many trip cancellations and parents to wring their hands. At one point, I looked around and realized that most of the students attending the prayer meeting were engineering or education students. This meant that I recognized very little of the easily 100+ people gathered in prayer. Last week, I walked through the REC center in the middle of the day and saw many, many faces that I had never seen before - I don't cavort with the athletic type very often, but they still exist at this school. Even at this tiny school. They are alive and well, flourishing in much better shape than I and, probably, most of the people I do see. The people that I didn't know took their turns on the microphone to pray for the recovery of, until yesterday night, two professors that I did not know existed.
It is not legitimate recluse behavior to participate in a community prayer time, even if I did come in late and sit in the back. The silence of closing your eyes with an entire auditorium of people who want to believe that
someone is listening...
that someone has a hand on the individuals affected by that patch of ice on that highway.

Earlier in the day, I asked my communications professor if I could give my argumentative speech on why Christianity is false (because the argumentative speech emphasizes logic, evidence and proof - things that faith parallels but doesn't necessarily transcend, though we would like it to). This paragraph could lead to a billion passionate responses regarding various thoughts of reality and the universe but the point is about helplessness and desperation.

When your professor, colleague or parent is in the hospital from a vicious car accident and there is a question of brain damage, it makes it hard to know what exactly to pray for other than "please spare them Lord." We ask for them to be healed, several people fought through their tears to ask for a miracle.

Maybe it's because I'm a cold person - that, because I don't know the Adams or the man injured in the other vehicle, that I don't really care - that I don't plead for a miracle but I do honestly pray for the Dordt community because I love people who are affected by this event, by the hospitalization of these professors. The question in my mind all through the day, until 1 24 AM is what to pray for.

Logic, reason, evidence and even faith aside, what do we pray for?

In a moment of desperation, God exists. Perhaps he/she thrives in such situations. But when we attempt to verbalize our thoughts to the Almighty when we are terrified of what could happen, what do we do? There is a risk of downplaying the focus of our concern for those involved in the accident, but I think what we do, if we can, is worship. Not because we should, because the Bible tells us, or because it might please the Almighty and a miracle might be produced.

Why then? Why should we worship at a time like this?

Feb 16, 2008

The things we owe ourselves

Patience, for one. Humility is another - that we don't beat ourselves up when we fail the ones we love. It's extremely destructive. And it's very proud of us when we do that, acting as if it is strange, or, out of the ordinary even, that human beings display signs of selfishness. Of weakness.

No, I have no idea where that came from. What I really set out to explore was the notion that we believe ourselves to be more than we are, or need to be, to our friends. I've always had problems with the idea of being content. It seems that content implies some sense of completion - that the race has been run. When is that ever the situation? So, no. We should not be satisfied with who we are.
But, just a moment ago, someone told me that I make them laugh.
And they don't do that very much anymore.
For the past few days that we've spent together, isn't that good? Shouldn't I be blessed that I could help a dear friend of mine feel light-hearted, if for a handful of moments?

On the one hand, big deal. But I'll take a sarcastic "big deal." If I can help my friend in such a way, I will.

This might be a particular situation - I hope, at least, I can continue being a joyous person. And if I can even be a person to listen and shoulder the load, then that will be something to blog about. Or maybe to tell my mom about. Screw you guys, I'm telling my mom.

I didn't answer my phone as much as I usually do today. And I suppose this is really what the title of the blog is about. Maybe it was because we have spent a lot of time recently with large groups of people. Large groups that, eventually, filter out to less but still. Maybe it was because it can get really annoying and extremely rude to keep the phone within access when two friends are spending the evening together. If that is to sit together in relative silence, share a livid conversation or escalate in funny stories and ridiculous shit... well, whose place is it to deem significant enough or not?

And now, I am slowly returning calls. Maybe I've had a cell phone for long enough to worry about emergencies... or maybe I wonder if there's anything I can/need to do.

Why do we do anything really? Why do we yell at people for things they've done when only they know the reasoning? What is the appeal of rebuke?

Feb 15, 2008

two parts of a dream

1. Something that felt like I had written myself in a short story I was writing. I am not, currently, writing the story (yet). In the bathroom sink, I was washing my younger sister's hair.

(plus other plot, character elements that I have to research and organize)

2. In the dark, I am up on my feet moving in graphic novel action...

I am kicking my brother's ass.

He is getting absolutely pummeled.

I remember, in particular, dropping an elbow on his jugular over and freaking over again. But anyway, after that, I shattered a large glass panel and... segway into the first part of the dream.

I'm sorry, it doesn't really... I'm sure that left you very unsatisfied. It's the weekend, what do you want from me? I can't believe I slept as hard as I did just now. It was practically straight to REM. I missed the faculty recital where a friend was going to play a little bit-

Okay, my NW friend just called and got me four tickets to Terror Texts on Thursday. And the theatre kids have rehearsal, so... if you mofos don't-

Okay, she just called again. Thursday. 7 30. in the MOSH pit. I'm going to need help dressing gothic and... with dance lessons. If no one wants to go, I'll probably ask my parents and the girl at home... and they don't have to.

My friend was going to play a song and I have yet to see her play except for at home, and she played very pleasant-

Okay, no my PARENTS just called and it seems I have to go and recruit one person to Korea this summer. $3,450 and $350 deposit by the end of the month. Three cross-cultural credits, staying at a University, going to a bunch of plac-

I'm sorry, I'm plugging the program. Getting some bitchin' photos and having city life is what I'm looking forward to.

Also to plug: Punch Drunk Love, Sunday at 7 30 S108. F'freaking'sho.
Have a good weekend.

Feb 12, 2008

No, I will not nap.

Because this past weekend was so good, we had another one before today. Last night was spent baking beer bread, making spinach dip, lighting candles, playing Rook, eating cheese, watching snow fall...

laying around, listening to (almost) the entire Simon and Garfunkel catalog, wavering in that special middle ground between awake and asleep, dreaming subconsciously, dancing to Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard.

Three hours of sleep and Documentary Film class and, the day after participating in a discussion on how films should be viewed and I fell asleep for ten seconds at a time throughout the entire class.

Here I am now, in my next class, half-listening to the professor taking us through various websites devoted to the world of Jane Austen.

A night of Across the Universe followed by a night of the greatest folk duo of all time will put you in a very... it's inspiring. It spurs you to sing louder, even if in your head because you are walking through the classroom building, to relish in the brief chance meetings with friends that occur throughout the day.

Apparently the music video for Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard is Paul Simon and a bunch of NYC kids playing baseball.

I asked someone recently if she were ready to drop out of school and move to NY with us. Right? I know, right? She responded in enthusiasm but, "just as soon as I'm done learning all I want to here." Which wasn't exactly in the spirit that I had asked the question, and I have no serious qualms about it - we are here by choice and by preference. But while I love the exploration that my class schedule allows, I suppose I'm yoked by six different classes, x amount of additional projects/activities and the fact that I haven't left town for a significant time in a year.

Live long, be happy.

Feb 8, 2008

There are some songs that late night vh1's nocturnal state plays over and over again. I guess I should have said videos instead of songs. The Apartment from The National's Boxer album is on again. It might be that I like the song anyway, but the video is very simple - band playing at somewhat formal event, crowd subtly grooving to the song, girl starts shakin' her ass, white people tap their feet, slowly nod their heads with deadpan faces... girl with read show, among everyone wearing black/white shows up, white people dance - and I love it.

Feist-Mushaboom. Whoa! Oh, it's one of those character-in-video-sings-along-to-vocal-track in real time. Cool.

I watched a brief video of a church service in Maurice's First Reformed. Not much happened before I went to go help get ready for Lunar New Year. The shot was from a balcony of sorts and there was a guitar/piano prelude for some moderately praise/worshippy hymn song. You could watch the congregants file in to their usual pews and sit patiently, nodding to each other quietly. And then four women played a gorgeous song on the bells. I couldn't believe how gorgeous it was. I'm not talking about the "spirituality" or that it was in a church, where worshipers gathered in God's house.


I'm talking more about the pacing, the rhythm, of the moment. The wide-angle view of the entire sanctuary and the tiny figures, hustling about. I'll have to watch the entire thing sometime soon... which will be Sunday, at the earliest. But that's fine. Miles to go, am I right?

Happy Lunar New Year, by the way.

See you soon.

*another freshman quote from that day in Comm.

"Well, Huckabee is a Christian and so are we, so we should support him."

Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue.

Would someone like to experience late night vh1 with me sometime? I'll make blueberry bread and we'll just talk the shit out of everything.

Feb 6, 2008

Prof. Jeri Schelhaas: Who, on the Democratic side, has strong ethos? Who can make people move simply by speaking?

freshman: McCain.

Jeri: He's a Republican.

additional freshman: Bush.

Jeri: ... ...he's a Republican.

sophomore: You're all idiots!

Read the post below this one too!
It seems you have to wait until 2 00 AM for vh1 to play something worth a damn. I have yet to see a Girls Gone Wild ad, I'm talking about music videos. The National's Apartment Story just ended. Now is something from the Foo Fighters' new album... that I'm sorry to say, I'm not too excited about. I haven't been a fan of the Foo since The Colour and the Shape. I don't really pay too much attention to their music - it seems a bit abysmal and their videos are always supposed to be funny, and I've yet to experience an inside chuckle. You know, they aren't a horrible band. It's not suck-ass of a song. They are definitely working the same... same sound, I guess. Which is the last thing you want a band to do, unless you want to hate/forget about them.

Music videos are fascinating though. I wish we could do some action.

We're making some progress on our documentary. My former high school is all open to us filming, which is good but a bit sketchy for several reasons. The public high school, which is located a mere twenty second walk from here, has expressed some concern - we are in discussion with the superintendent. That, in itself, should mean progress.
Shouldn't it?

There's a wii commercial on. It's a good ad - the music and the action is well chosen. And the two asian guys at the end are there. I honestly don't see the big deal. A few friends were playing at a post-wedding party over Christmas break and it was entertaining to watch boxing (to watch the players, not the screen) but I don't see how-

Snoop Dogg, Sensual Seduction video. Hm.

-you could pay $300 or so, if you can find one, to play virtual... tennis, boxing, etc. The ad indicated that it brought children, females and old farts to joy. I had heard rumor that the Wii is very popular in nursing homes because of exercise or whatever... It reminds me of when DDR/Pump was really popular. Popular among asians I mean, not among Dutch college kids in NW Iowa ('cause that was three weeks ago!). People would get excited because it was a fun game that counted as a workout. I don't imagine many senior citizens got in the action but it got old after a while, didn't it? Same with Guitar Hero. "Oh man, this song is even trickier!" After a while, even your favorite song won't bring you back to virtual (dancing, guitaring, boxing, tennis'ing, bowling... bowling is hardly fun as it is).

What does sensual seduction mean? Is there... is it a significant phrase?

Kate Nash, Foundations. Who is gir- oh she has an accent... nice touch.
Oh, she's singing about a boy and she has playful, innocent/angry teenage girl melodies. "My fingertips are holding on to the cracks in our foundation."

Disclaimer: I am... so fed up, to an aggressive comic level (I do still genuinely laugh about it), by females angry over insignificant stuff. Esp. when they are angry because of reasons that they have to be angry about because they are females. As in, they can't help but be angry, and they know that, because they are built that way, as girls. I'm not making every frustration invalid. Do you hear me, swarms of females loyally reading every word of this blog? We read a monologue in class tonight, basically about how the writer (a girl) was frustrated because her-

Silverchair, Straight Lines

-boyfriend forgot to do something she asked. The entire monologue was bitching about that, and how she wants to hate him but is in love with him, so resorts to being passive aggressive about it, ON PURPOSE.
I know, I know. I would give in to it and apologize in many situations. But it makes me so angry. I'll try and post the monologue on here with her permission. It might be a struggle, but we'll see what happens. I think it's pretty well written - it made me so angry during class, so at least it worked.

A good friend(s) of mine really, really likes this band. I don't get it. They're doing some very simple and effective lighting things in the video - a lot of music videos lately have been trying to achieve this antiquated, somewhat choppy, buzzed feel. I applaud both those that achieve said feel well and boldly and those that embrace the amazing video technology available today.

Annnd an ad(?) for black history month. "Love is... the answer to every problem of the world today." Vague, simplistic, incorrect even. And that's all I'm going to say about that, before I get too many angry comments.

These are some of my happiest times - watching music videos late at night. Though I have to wake up and complete assignments before three grueling classes in the morning, I'm happy here, in my robe. In short, I'm awake. And half an hour earlier, I was very much not.

Luvs (the diaper company) is using a Beatles song in their ad. "All you need is Luvs." Fuck. Yes, that merits a fuck. And if you're upset about a single word expression of anger, you probably shouldn't be reading this blog anyway.

Sorry, I just get confused about what bothers people sometime.

"They said shit more than three times in the film!"

Lady, what about the fifty-seven times that she snorts cocaine?

Matt Nathanson, Car Crash

Oh gawsh. I'm saying it. I'm saying it. You need a lot - A LOT - more than guitar, guitar, bass, drums to be a new band. I'm sick of it. Honestly, I am. And that may be an open to accuse me of... whatever. I respect a lot of people that still love the guitar, drum, bass combo but I'm honestly getting sick of that sound or, at least, the same formula in which said instruments are being played together.

"I'm wide awake and so... (smile) alive. I want to feel a car crash, I want to feel the bomb drop, the earth drop, 'till I'm satisfied."

I missed a line in there, somewhere, and I'm okay with it.

Damn, they usually play some stuff that I don't constantly criticize/bitch about this late at night.

One good one and I'll hit the hay.

See: The Other Boleyn Girl

Do you want to hear my thoughts on Black Cinema? 'Cause it's probably going to come off-

The hell is this Buckcherry band? Gawsh, this makes me angry too. Mute!

-as extremely offensive. I'll try to explain myself and digress to the fact that I probably don't get it because of the simple fact that I'm NOT black. If that's so, if I don't understand it because I'm asian/white, then... okay. There we are. (No, I understand the vocab. and the phrases. I just don't think, for example, that Cedric the Entertainer should be speaking, that Tyler Perry is worth a damn and that Ice Cube hasn't done anything worthwhile since Friday.)

Can I just say that I'm fine that these bands, these sucky bands ie. Buckcheryy exist? I'd just like to hear someone defend them, explain why they are worth the time on air, the video production, the album production, otherwise. Seriously. I'm more than willing to learn/be proved wrong.

Chili Peppers, By the Way.

This song is in my Chili Peppers top 5.
It's good to hear a bass guitar again. Flea is the shit.
I would say things about the video, but that would require me to explain at least a little bit of what happened IN the video... and, also, more typing. In short, I bitch a small amount, but I liked it. I laughed at the end too.

Feb 3, 2008

The comfort

was something to think about, and at least I can be happy that a reaction(s) was given. The source of such an unsatisfying and question-provoking post, thus, a good and useful post, is the conversations we have. Part II of VII (at least) has just taken place.
The things, people, ideas and acts that comfort us are what we cling to with the very core of our being. Comfort is an idea or state of being that transcends a warm and cozy bed; it is almost synonymous with satisfaction and security. We do things and act the way we do because we believe that doing so will be good (for us and/or others and/or for society) or because it makes us feel good (satisfied, pleasure, self-affirmed, holy). I won't speak generally and secretively about others, I will only speak of examples for myself. There is satisfaction in the pursuit of truth AKA growth. Not just the viewing, absorbing of fiction, photographs and film, but the attempt to tell a story, the struggle to create a beautiful character. And every story, film and photo that remains significant to my being, that sticks to my insides, is because it resonates to something, some fiber of truth that I find comfort in.
There are many more necessary questions that must be asked.
What is truth? How is it understood? How can you say this and that at the same time? Is there a difference between truth and what functions in my being to serve as truth? Can that be called truth? Why aren't I more of a relativist then?

The previous post and the current one have nothing to do, consciously, with your post Kenny.
Pip, boxer-briefs or just boxers.

The pipes and fluids that are held in our bathroom (or, in some cases, near/above our bathroom) are constantly rushing around. When I got out of the shower today, I heard a thumping, a rumbling that caused me to initially assume that it was raining outside. And then I realized that it was early February. It was a beautiful sound and memory - the noise of water, falling from the heavens, rapping against the top of your car. It was also nice today because of how long it's been and because I was naked. Most situations are nice when I'm naked. Remember that.

Feb 2, 2008

Maybe, in the end, it all boils down to comfort.
