Feb 24, 2008

rivers on the sidewalk

I should write something on here but there won't be a lot more sunlight left today and the high is 40 degrees. I'm going to drag a chair and end table upstairs and get some writing done - the pen and paper kind. As angry and confused and worried as I am, as we all are really, it's a gorgeous day. I hope you enjoy it.

The Shins did a cover of We Will Become Silhouettes by the Postal Service.


  1. I agree that it was/is a gorgeous day. I went outside with the boys mostly so I could absorb sun and squish around in puddles.
    If you ever want to talk about your troubles, call me up. I listen well.
    Happy writing.

  2. ANOTHER awesome group does Postal Service? Sheez.

  3. Laura MacMillan. Rachel Daale. Diane Feucht. Jeanine Huls. Rose Henderson. All four of my sisters. plus several more. And, of course, me. ;)

  4. Dude, it's not even a play. It's a concept of a play.

