Apr 15, 2008

A lot of these are vulnerable to time changes, but next semester looks like...


Design and Composition
Advanced Expos. 1
Scriptwriting and Analysis
Photo III


Canadian Literature

...and then indie film whenever the hell we can.

Another 18 credits. Eventually, I'll have to take Econ. or Poli. Sci and some friggin' HPER courses. Weirdly enough, I think I'm pretty close to fulfilling my major (English: Writing) already. I have a friend that took on another major - she's double majoring - because... well, I think because she was in my situation... but intensified... as in she had almost fulfilled HER English:Writing major last year... so she took on a Lit. major too.

1 comment:

  1. you can come tonight if you want....7:30 it starts...

    you have an intense schedule. just saying.


