Nov 8, 2007

Do you know where I was at your age?

When my dad was in college, he maintained a GPA of at least 3.7 and up.
He also worked when he wasn't in class or studying. He didn't have his parents pay his way. He didn't receive half tuition because HIS dad was a prof.

I'm not saying I regret quitting the theater because, and hear me if you will, Fridley Theatres (based mostly in Iowa and South Dakota and surrounding states) is a horribly managed chain. Family owned means incompetent employers and paying their workers below minimum wage for seven months... and counting.

I just spent four hours in the darkroom.
Before that, I was discussing music and literature.
Before that, I was studying philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Bavinck).
Before that, I had practice for chapel.
Before that, I was editing videos for this weekend.
Before that, I took Renae to the hospital.
Before that, I had class.
Before that, I had another class.
Before that, I felt like I should start the day but suffered a severe lack of motivation...

and now, at 5:20 in the morning, while still unprepared for my day, I feel great to be alive. Yes, I'm tired... and I should keep reading both philosophy (for the test tomorrow) and Hamlet (for my first class tomorrow).

I keep being approached for what I've been saying on DordtTalk. DordtTalk is our campus online forum for discussion. I had forgotten about it until Student Forum considered removing it... for various reasons. Yes, that happens sometimes.

My car can't drive for more than ten minutes at a time.
Renae's car can't drive... at all... because of me.
My computer is in repair in Sioux Falls... I cannot obtain it.
...I think we'll be okay though. The thing to say here would be, "At least we have our health," but remember what I said about taking Renae to the hospital? That was to draw blood so they could run tests and figure out what's wrong with her. At least we have... the care to freak out over such things.

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