Jun 30, 2008

The nice checkout girl at Fareway wanted to share a brief chat. I just wanted to get my Mason jars back home and move some grapefruit-rhubarb jam. The store was bare and I can understand that she was bored. There's not a lot to keep your motivation up when you're working. That's sad, innit?

"It's a beautiful day."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. It is."

"Not like Saturday. Man, Saturday was horrible."

... ...trying to remember Saturday... "You know, I don't remember Saturday much."

"Oh no?"

"Last week was pretty rough - I think I slept in at the end." (This was an accidental lie - I forgot that I went to Omaha with Jer and Matt. The drive was riddled with rain.)

"That must have been nice." (Examines her fingernails.)

"You know... I understand that you hate your job and living here, or whatever... but I can't take ask you out. Well, I guess I could, but I'm not going to."

"Aw, come on." (Flutters her eyelashes.)

(Looks her in the eye and pretends to consider, all the while singing Wilco's Heavy Metal Drummer in his head.)

Then, as she was about to stick out her chest (high schoolers, can you believe them?) I picked up my jars and mushrooms and got the hell out of there!

I wish, on some days, I could wear my apron all day. Like it was my job. On some days.

The video needs to be finished. It was hell trying to get all the things we needed into the systems. Lauren took a few shots of her costume/make up class, but the door was locked and I couldn't get to my camera. It will be a late night tonight.

Payin' my dues. But! Thoughts of helping out flood victims later this summer. For a substantial time. Hopefully.


  1. grapefruit-rhubarb?? Does that taste good? I'm guessing you need lots of sugar...
    I noticed you posted at 5... did you go to work today?

  2. did you?

    did the girl at fareway have glasses and long blonde hair and too much black eyeliner? she always chats with me. she's a bit creepy. a bit too obviously desperate. i hope she doesn't get herself into trouble.

  3. alvin! next time you should ask her out. just for kicks. Seeing you again was good. and thanks for being good to bets. AND, I wore an apron all day. It rained, so i baked, but I continued to wear it through a scrabble game and while I sewed my quilt. comfy.

  4. hey- another product to make a living off of: jam. last week i made a lot of cherry lemon, and i have so much of it i'm giving it away to anyone i recognize. greapefruit rhubarb- is it sensational?

