May 15, 2008

I just finished (the wrong word to use, but for class and grade sake, it's true) my short story for Fiction Writing class. Katy, specifically, do you want to read it? It's all messed up and whatever - like I said, I finished at 5 40 AM but I'll send you a manuscript if you do. (That's really exciting... sending a "manuscript," Ahhhh!) Everyone else... well, I'll be tinkering with it for awhile until the deadline for the class collaboration... which is sometime in July. But at least, for now, there's a step towards completion. And even if the entire story is total bunk and rubbish, at least that's something.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. One of you will receive this book, from me, when I finish it... which will be very soon.


  1. hey, congrats friend on a job completed.

  2. I want your body. And stuff.

  3. I gave that book to my sister for her birthday... she loved it, as I recall.

  4. Hey, send me the manuscript! I'll read it. Do you have my email? carmequa at the mail with the g...
    and sorry I gave you the impression I was sticking around. You must be extremely dissapointed. And if it makes you feel at all even a little bit better, I wish I was. sort of. But dude, I gave you all that free food! Thats gotta be worth something, eh?

  5. p.s. I hope you purposely misspelled my name in your links section because otherwise I might be offended. (one L man, ONE L!)

  6. Alvin, I am around but without your phone number. you should remedy this. four aught six dash five seven aught dash eight six seven five.

    I hope this finds you well.

    Oh, and to reference a couple posts back, the 2004 edition is the only one of the Best American Short Stories but I really really love it. I was about to elaborate on the stories I especially enjoyed but it would almost the entire thing.

  7. yes, alv. I'll email it to you. check your dordt mail cuz I don't have another. or maybe i do. whatever. check em both then. :)

